A malfunction indicated by the error code “0x80010002” might occur for a variety of reasons. Among the common causes are irregular entries in the system elements or poorly adjusted system settings. Specialized software that fixes system components and adjusts system settings to restore stability can fix such problems.
The article explains in depth what the problem is, what it might be caused by, and how to fix it.
“0x80010002” error code’s meaning
The error name “0x80010002” is a code that gives information about the malfunction, such as what caused it, which software program or system component malfunctioned, as well as some other facts. The maker of the component or application that malfunctioned can typically decipher the data contained in the numerical code in the issue name. Although this code’s name contains some information, the problem could arise anywhere in the system, making it challenging for a user to identify the problem’s root cause without specialized technical knowledge or the right software.
“0x80010002” error code causes
If you have seen this notice on your computer, it indicates that there was a problem with the way your system was operating. One of the problems that customers may experience because of improper or unsuccessful software installation or removal that may have left invalid entries in system components is error code “0x80010002”. Other probable causes might be an incorrect system shutdown brought on by a power outage, a non-technical person unintentionally removing an essential system file or system element entry, and a variety of other things.
Updating Error 0x80010002: Solutions
Go through the list of fixes below if you are experiencing the problem code 0x80010002 and see if any of them work for you. The following are the likely fixes:
[1] Fix Windows Update issues
The update troubleshooter is the built-in tool on Windows 11 and 10 that may look for the underlying issues on your system and get them repaired in no time. We advise carrying out the actions listed below because you are unable to install the available Windows updates:
Microsoft Windows 11
- Use the Win & I shortcut to access Settings.
- Go to System > Troubleshooting and expand Additional troubleshooters by clicking.
- Under Most often, find Windows Update, and then click the Start button next to it. The snapshot is below.

- Wait for the underlying reasons to be found and fixed by this tool.
- Restart your computer after this is finished.
- Check to see if you can download and install any pending updates when Windows 11 reloads.
Windows 10:
- To open Settings, press Win and I.
- On the left pane, select Update & Security, followed by Troubleshoot.
- Next, click More troubleshooters in the right pane.
- Under Most Common, look for Windows Update, and when it expands, click Launch the troubleshooter.

- To use this program to identify and fix persistent issues, simply adhere to the on-screen directions.
- Restart your computer when this program has finished its troubleshooting phase to see if the error 0x80010002 is fixed.
2] Disable Third-party Antivirus
Many times, update-related errors are the direct result of third-party programs running on your Windows computer. This also applies to a third-party antivirus program. If you are using such software, we propose deactivating it first and checking if you can upgrade to Windows 11 or 10. You must click the Check for updates button on the path below to do that.
Note: If you don’t want to uninstall your antivirus application, you should disable the security app and check how this goes. When the updates start installing next, you need to let go of the external antivirus program.
On Windows 10 and 11, Windows Security is the ideal built-in security application. In addition to protecting your device against viruses and malware, this tool also lets you use its parental control tool. You should give this software a try because it offers many more possibilities than a free anti-malware program.
3] SFC and DISM Scans
The presence of a buggy application on Windows 11 or 10 often corrupts some system files or drivers. For instance, some antivirus software is known to alter the system services, which causes Windows Update to fail with the error code 0x80010002.
The SFC and DISM give the ideal solution to automatically find missing or damaged files on your system and have them repaired in such a situation. Follow the below instructions on how to use both of these tools on an elevated console.
- Click on the search box and type CMD in the text area.
- Run as administrator is the first option when you right-click on Command Prompt.
- If the UAC prompts for authentication, click Yes.
- To start the scanning and fixing procedure, enter sfc /scannow at the elevated prompt.
- The process of fixing missing and corrupt system files or folders takes about 10–15 minutes.
- When the SFC scan reaches 100%, you may run the DISM code next. The DISM command will ensure no corruption lies within the system image. What you need to use the elevated console is as follows:

- This command will also take 10–15 minutes to automatically detect and resolve corruption within the system .

- When the DISM command completes 100%, you may close CMD and reboot your Windows PC.
- When Windows 11 or 10 reloads, see if you can update normally without encountering error 0x80010002.
4) Reset Windows Update Components
The one major reason that Windows updates might fail on some error canons is corruption within the update factors. This includes deleting unnecessarily stored files and caches inside the Windows Cache folder and disabling any essential services.
Try resetting all factors on your Windows 10 or 11 PC and check if this update issue resolves afterward.However, you can always manually download and install the pending updates on your computer if not.
5) Manually download and install pending updates.
Still, it comes down to manually downloading the updates and installing them if none of the below results work to address the error code 0x80010002. The steps are more or less the same for Windows 11 or Windows 10. For your convenience, we’ve written down separate instructions on how to download and install standalone packages on your specific interpretation of Windows.
Note: While choosing to download the standalone package, make sure to download the update matching your system architecture. Otherwise, all your data would be wasted, and you would need to re-download the Windows setup program.
I unfeignedly hope the error code 0x80010002 resolves after trying out the below-gladiatorial results. In case you do have queries or suggestions related to this post, let us know in the comment section.
How do I fix Windows Update Error 0x80070002?
Like error 0x80010002, 0x80070002 is an update-related issue that you can resolve by following the steps below. In case you have previously tried some of these styles and failed, you should skip to the last result, i.e., manually downloading and reinstalling pending updates.